"Texas Bluebonnets" is a beautiful Robert Wood Texas scene which depicts an old pioneer ranch and the oak trees that the artist loved to paint. Executed in 1966, when Wood was at the height of his fame and artistic powers, this work comes from a large California collection.
    Texas Bluebonnets                    Oil on Canvas                   18" x 24"

“Dream Lake" is one of Robert Wood 's finest mountain scenes. This work was exhibited in our Robert Wood retrospective in 1979, and it has been in a private collection since that time. Depicting Dream Lake and Mt. Hallett in Rocky Mountain National Park, it has wonderful rich color and a dramatic composition.

    Dream Lake                            Oil on Canvas                              18" x 24 "
"Tumbling Surf" is a beuatiful Robert Wood marine that was exhibited at the Laguna Art Festival in 1956. It has been in the same collection since it was sold at the festival. This work has exciting wave action and excelent outdoor color, and is beautifully composed.
    Tumbling Surf                          Oil on Canvas                          24" x 36 "  
“The Lone Beech” is one of Robert Wood’s best-known images. In the 1950s, the Donald Art Company of New York reproduced “The Lone Beech” as a popular lithograph, distributing it nationally and internationally. This work dates back to the early 1950s, when Robert Wood spent a period in the art colony of Woodstock, New York. It was the paintings that he did in Woodstock that made Wood the most famous painter of the American landscape.
    The Lone Beech                         Oil on Canvas                        24" x 36 "  
This Robert Wood was painted near the little town of Helotes Creek, Texas, near the famous scenic loop, northwest of San Antonio. Wood painted “Helotes Creek” (1960) on an autumn trip when he returned to Texas to visit his daughter Florence. It depicts the well-known Red or “Spanish” Oak tree in its dramatic fall color against the panorama of the central Texas landscape. Helotes Creek is a well-worn little town with roots that reach far back into Texas history. The local landscape that Wood portrayed so beautifully consists of the Red Oaks which are able to weather the dry climate, native grasses, cactus and acres of mesquite.
    Helotes Creek                         Oil on Canvas                          24" x 36 "

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